I am an analyst and student of complexity science

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I use data science and computational social science to learn about the world, answer questions, and solve problems. I am interested in exploring how computational social science and data science can expand and enrich decision making abilities and improve public policies. I work in the international development field as a research analyst. I am also a graduate student at the University of Washington, specializing in data science.

Before moving to Seattle, I lived in Central America where I spent the majority of my time volunteering with NGOs ranging from community development projects to agroforestry operations. I ultimately ended up in Panama City and worked as the Logistics and Mapping Coordinator for an environmental policy think tank, designing and implementing a metropolitan-wide recycling program. I received my bachelor's degree in Urban Planning & Sustainable Development and a minor in Economics from Western Washington University in 2014.

Browse Some of my Projects

Graduate Level Admissions Analysis

Data Analysis & Visualization | Using python to perform basic statistics, data analysis, and visualizations of graduate school admissions data.

COVID-19 Policy Sentiment Analysis using Twitter

Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning | Using python and command line tools to scrape tweets on COVID-19, perform topic modeling using a latent dirichlet allocation model to understand what topics were being discussed, and performing sentiment analysis on those tweets in each topic.

Statistical Network Analysis of Strong and Weak Polarization in the U.S. Senate

Statistics & Network Analysis | Using R to analyze networks of political alliances and discord among the U.S. Senate. Built Latent Position Cluster and Exponential Random Graph models on the output of a stochastic degree sequence model to measure partisan polarization.

Supervised & Semi-supervised Text Classification

Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning | Using python to pre-process text, do some feature engineering, and build and evaluate supervised & semi-supervised text classification models to predict which U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidate said a certain quote.

Traffic Impacts of COVID-19

Statistics & Data Visualization | Using python and tableau to analyze and visualize Washington State Department of Transportation traffic data in Seattle to confirm the widely held belif that traffic volumes decreased after the onset of COVID-19.

Note: The Juptyer Notebook containing the statistical analysis and Tableau visualization is embedded on this page, right below the following image. Depending on how you are viewing this site, the formatting of the visualization may look poor, so I recommend going viewing it on the Tableau Public Website

Statistical Significance Traffic Data

Hypothesis Testing | Decrease in Average Daily Traffic Volumes in Seattle, Washington during the Coronavirus Pandemic

The worksheet below examines statistical differences in traffic volumes in Seattle, in an attempt to quantify the reduction in traffic volumes at the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic to 'normal' traffic volumes.

Data on traffic patterns in Seattle, Washington was collected from the Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) Traffic GeoPortal in June 2020. WSDOT uses permanent traffic recording devices to measure the number of vehicles per hour that pass by specific locations at every hour of each day. Data was gathered from seven sites in Seattle for the period ranging from January 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020 (the latest data available). After an initial exploration of the data, three sites were selected for further analysis due to significat data gaps in other sites. The three selected sites serve as a proxy for traffic volumes in Seattle due to their locations on major arterials that provide access to the city; the 520 bridge near its entrance to Interstate 5, Interstate 5 at NE 45th Street near the University of Washington, and Interstate 90 near Rainier Avenue. Each of these locations had several missing values, likely due to maintenance being performed on the devices, so a process of imputation was carried out in which missing values were replaced using mean substitution.


Import Packages, Read in Data & Prepare it for Analysis


In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import t
from IPython.display import display, HTML
In [2]:
# Make the notebook's cells larger
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:70% !important; }</style>"))
In [3]:
traffic = pd.read_csv('CombinedTrafficData_Imputed_Values.csv')
In [4]:
SiteId SiteLocation Date DayOfWeek TravelDirection Hour1 Hour2 Hour3 Hour4 Hour5 ... Hour15 Hour16 Hour17 Hour18 Hour19 Hour20 Hour21 Hour22 Hour23 Hour24
0 R046 On SR 005 at milepost 168.84 A: S/O NE 45TH ST... 1/1/2018 Monday Northbound 3957 4223 3102 1681 942 ... 5072 5050 4972 4555 4083 3815 3147 2742 2068 1943
1 R046 On SR 005 at milepost 168.84 A: S/O NE 45TH ST... 1/2/2018 Tuesday Northbound 1252 748 594 532 1076 ... 6454 6793 6412 6291 6317 4821 3852 3238 2584 2326
2 R046 On SR 005 at milepost 168.84 A: S/O NE 45TH ST... 1/3/2018 Wednesday Northbound 1602 1094 817 633 1039 ... 6304 6490 6343 6506 6366 5000 3972 3416 2615 2343
3 R046 On SR 005 at milepost 168.84 A: S/O NE 45TH ST... 1/4/2018 Thursday Northbound 1460 982 754 647 1064 ... 6367 6441 6173 6300 6220 5282 4184 3708 2862 2488
4 R046 On SR 005 at milepost 168.84 A: S/O NE 45TH ST... 1/5/2018 Friday Northbound 1561 968 767 696 1060 ... 6253 6515 6158 5969 6188 5240 4138 3864 3421 3482

5 rows × 29 columns

In [5]:
# Convert Date string into a Date Format
traffic['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(traffic['Date'])
In [6]:
# Select January, February, and March as our period of Observation
jfm_traffic = traffic[(pd.DatetimeIndex(traffic.Date).month < 4)]
In [7]:
# Add a separate column for Year, Month, and Day
jfm_traffic = jfm_traffic.assign(Year = pd.DatetimeIndex(jfm_traffic.Date).year,
                                 Month = pd.DatetimeIndex(jfm_traffic.Date).month,
                                 Day = pd.DatetimeIndex(jfm_traffic.Date).day)
In [8]:
# Group the data by date (Year, Month, Day) to collapse Travel Direction.
# Before grouping, there are two rows for each date, one for each direction of travel.
grouped_traffic = jfm_traffic.groupby(['Year','Month','Day'], as_index= False).sum()
In [9]:
# Add a new column that computes the total number of vehicles per day for each observation.
grouped_traffic['NumVehicles'] = grouped_traffic.iloc[:,3:27].sum(axis=1)
In [10]:
Year Month Day Hour1 Hour2 Hour3 Hour4 Hour5 Hour6 Hour7 ... Hour16 Hour17 Hour18 Hour19 Hour20 Hour21 Hour22 Hour23 Hour24 NumVehicles
170 2019 3 22 4183 2489 2232 2537 5386 11337 20481 ... 24489 23567 25255 23393 20516 16762 15210 13659 11193 415149
62 2018 3 4 7712 5692 4506 2459 2186 3839 6868 ... 21183 23734 22400 18699 15982 13419 13441 8465 5516 328906
262 2020 3 23 1668 1046 995 1370 3374 7937 12865 ... 15870 15680 14245 11508 8559 6201 4671 3800 2952 219728
11 2018 1 12 4224 2469 2061 2387 4840 10932 20081 ... 24006 23587 23474 21923 19183 15043 14168 13287 10451 402114
240 2020 3 1 7044 4825 3885 2113 1975 3685 6828 ... 23565 22639 21147 18208 15790 13190 10723 7453 5371 319040

5 rows × 28 columns


Visualize the Distribution of Data - Bring in Tableau Visualization


In [11]:
<div class='tableauPlaceholder' id='viz1596763938375' style='position: relative'><noscript><a href='#'><img alt=' ' src='https:&#47;&#47;public.tableau.com&#47;static&#47;images&#47;5B&#47;5BRFQMPTH&#47;1_rss.png' style='border: none' /></a></noscript><object class='tableauViz'  style='display:none;'><param name='host_url' value='https%3A%2F%2Fpublic.tableau.com%2F' /> <param name='embed_code_version' value='3' /> <param name='path' value='shared&#47;5BRFQMPTH' /> <param name='toolbar' value='yes' /><param name='static_image' value='https:&#47;&#47;public.tableau.com&#47;static&#47;images&#47;5B&#47;5BRFQMPTH&#47;1.png' /> <param name='animate_transition' value='yes' /><param name='display_static_image' value='yes' /><param name='display_spinner' value='yes' /><param name='display_overlay' value='yes' /><param name='display_count' value='yes' /><param name='language' value='en' /></object></div>                <script type='text/javascript'>                    var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1596763938375');                    var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0];                    vizElement.style.width='100%';vizElement.style.height=(divElement.offsetWidth*0.75)+'px';                    var scriptElement = document.createElement('script');                    scriptElement.src = 'https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js';                    vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement);                </script>

In the visualization above, each dots represent the total traffic volumes for one day across the three sites for a given hour. Orange dots represent days that took place in 2020, and blue dots represent days in 2018 and 2019. It quickly becomes clear that many of the low traffic volumes occurred in 2020. However, several of the lowest volume days took place in February 2019, during Seattle's infamous Snowmaggedon: https://www.seattleweatherblog.com/snow/biggest-february-snowstorm-decades-blankets-seattle/

Hovering over the dots provides additional information, including the date, traffic volumes for each site, and direction of traffic.


Is there a statistical difference in the difference in traffic volumes in 2020 compared with the 2018-2019 period?



Alpha Level = .01

Null Hypothesis: There has been no change in mean daily traffic volumes in Seattle, Washington during the coronavirus pandemic compared to the same period in prior years.

Alternative Hypothesis: There has been a decrease in mean daily traffic volumes in Seattle, Washington during the coronavirus pandemic compared to the same period in prior years.



Statistical Significance for Jan-Mar 2018 & 2019 vs 2020; All Days


In [12]:
# Split traffic into 2018-2019 grouping and 2020 grouping
traffic_2020 = grouped_traffic.loc[grouped_traffic['Year'] == 2020]
traffic_2018_2019 = grouped_traffic.loc[grouped_traffic['Year'] != 2020]
In [13]:
# Distribution of Traffic Volumes across the two groups measured by standard deviation
np.std(traffic_2020['NumVehicles']), np.std(traffic_2018_2019['NumVehicles'])
(72685.85764798863, 52951.62506616298)
In [14]:
# The standard deviations are not equal - should use Welch's 2 sample, one-sided t-test.
# Create a function that calculates a one-tailed Welch's test statistic 
def tstat(group1, group2):
    avg_g1 = np.mean(group1['NumVehicles'])
    avg_g2 = np.mean(group2['NumVehicles'])

    std_g1 = np.std(group1['NumVehicles'], ddof = 1)
    std_g2 = np.std(group2['NumVehicles'], ddof = 1)

    num_obs_g1 = len(group1['NumVehicles'])
    num_obs_g2 = len(group2['NumVehicles'])
    numerator = avg_g1 - avg_g2
    denominator = np.sqrt( (std_g1**2/num_obs_g1) + (std_g2**2/num_obs_g2) )

    degrees_freedom = ((std_g1**2/num_obs_g1) + 
                       (std_g2**2/num_obs_g2))**2 / ((std_g1**4)/((num_obs_g1**2)*(num_obs_g1-1)) +

    welchs_t_stat = numerator/denominator
    return welchs_t_stat, degrees_freedom
In [15]:
print("T-Statistic:{}\nDegrees of Freedom: {}".format(tstat(traffic_2020, traffic_2018_2019)[0],
                                                      tstat(traffic_2020, traffic_2018_2019)[1]))
Degrees of Freedom: 139.44691079383293
In [16]:
jfm_pval = stats.t.sf(np.abs(tstat(traffic_2020, traffic_2018_2019)[0]), tstat(traffic_2020, traffic_2018_2019)[1])
print("P Value: {}".format('%.10f' % jfm_pval))
P Value: 0.0000015521


We Can Reject the Null Hypothesis



Statistical Significance for Jan-Mar 2018 & 2019 vs 2020; Weekdays Only


In [17]:
# Create a copy of the dataframe
jfm_traffic_weekdays = jfm_traffic.copy()
In [18]:
# Remove Saturday and Sundays from the data
jfm_traffic_weekdays = jfm_traffic_weekdays.loc[(jfm_traffic_weekdays.DayOfWeek != 'Saturday') & 
                                                (jfm_traffic_weekdays.DayOfWeek != 'Sunday')]
In [19]:
# Group the data by date and add a column to calculate the total number of vehicles per day for each observation.
grouped_traffic_weekdays = jfm_traffic_weekdays.groupby(['Year','Month','Day'], as_index= False).sum()
grouped_traffic_weekdays['NumVehicles'] = grouped_traffic_weekdays.iloc[:,3:27].sum(axis=1)
Year Month Day Hour1 Hour2 Hour3 Hour4 Hour5 Hour6 Hour7 ... Hour16 Hour17 Hour18 Hour19 Hour20 Hour21 Hour22 Hour23 Hour24 NumVehicles
99 2019 2 18 4163 2414 1966 1955 4343 9048 14794 ... 23448 23973 23258 20532 16560 13050 11098 8349 6231 347022
192 2020 3 30 1433 898 797 958 2223 4851 8850 ... 11155 11847 11233 8493 6677 4854 3545 2797 2174 162048
49 2018 3 9 4001 2424 2040 2366 5009 11021 21423 ... 23452 25079 25286 23029 20526 16089 15495 13766 11892 415586
67 2019 1 3 3617 2240 2035 2199 5048 10850 19036 ... 21159 21676 22876 20602 16698 13046 11677 8799 6013 363851
37 2018 2 21 3570 2149 1800 2232 4977 11163 21160 ... 23756 25480 25618 23192 18018 14192 12429 9032 5846 393581

5 rows × 28 columns

In [20]:
# Split traffic into 2018-2019 grouping and 2020 grouping
traffic_2020_weekdays = grouped_traffic_weekdays.loc[grouped_traffic_weekdays['Year'] == 2020]
traffic_2018_2019_weekdays = grouped_traffic_weekdays.loc[grouped_traffic_weekdays['Year'] != 2020]
In [21]:
print("T-Statistic:{}\nDegrees of Freedom: {}".format(tstat(traffic_2020, traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[0],
                                                      tstat(traffic_2020, traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[1]))
Degrees of Freedom: 138.02999324299105
In [22]:
weekday_pval = stats.t.sf(np.abs(tstat(traffic_2020_weekdays, traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[0]), 
                  tstat(traffic_2020_weekdays, traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[1])
print("P Value: {}".format('%.10f' % weekday_pval))
P Value: 0.0000148979


We can Reject the Null Hypothesis



Statistical Significance for Mar 2018 & 2019 vs Mar 2020 Weekdays Only


In [23]:
# Follow similar steps above, grouping by date and creating a column to calculate 
# the total number of vehicles per day for each observation. Then exlude January and February.
mar_traffic_weekdays = jfm_traffic_weekdays.copy()
mar_traffic_weekdays = mar_traffic_weekdays[(pd.DatetimeIndex(mar_traffic_weekdays.Date).month == 3)]
mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays = mar_traffic_weekdays.groupby(['Year','Month','Day'], as_index= False).sum()
mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays['NumVehicles'] = mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays.iloc[:,3:27].sum(axis=1)
Year Month Day Hour1 Hour2 Hour3 Hour4 Hour5 Hour6 Hour7 ... Hour16 Hour17 Hour18 Hour19 Hour20 Hour21 Hour22 Hour23 Hour24 NumVehicles
19 2018 3 28 3723 2322 2013 2344 4730 11687 21594 ... 23471 24468 25255 25070 20273 16441 14624 10709 6959 410063
45 2020 3 4 3025 1869 1721 2062 5183 11742 22290 ... 23909 25293 25787 22392 17893 13788 11882 8433 6025 384954
7 2018 3 12 3491 2122 1801 2117 5075 11195 21040 ... 24321 24444 25631 22492 18026 14755 12632 8684 5632 391448
52 2020 3 13 3069 2089 1954 1854 4288 9410 15716 ... 19409 19739 19601 17100 14183 10896 9368 7882 6449 310587
62 2020 3 27 1481 1070 1091 1151 2139 4738 8425 ... 12129 12145 11943 9674 7654 5736 4178 3273 2683 171821

5 rows × 28 columns

In [24]:
# Split traffic into 2018-2019 grouping and 2020 grouping
mar_traffic_2020_weekdays = mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays.loc[mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays['Year'] == 2020]
mar_traffic_2018_2019_weekdays = mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays.loc[mar_grouped_traffic_weekdays['Year'] != 2020]
In [25]:
print("T-Statistic:{}\nDegrees of Freedom: {}".format(tstat(mar_traffic_2020_weekdays, mar_traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[0],
                                                      tstat(mar_traffic_2020_weekdays, mar_traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[1]))
Degrees of Freedom: 21.54773080278684
In [26]:
mar_weekday_pval = stats.t.sf(np.abs(tstat(mar_traffic_2020_weekdays, mar_traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[0]), 
                  tstat(mar_traffic_2020_weekdays, mar_traffic_2018_2019_weekdays)[1])
print("P Value: {}".format('%.10f' % mar_weekday_pval))
P Value: 0.0000000746


We can Reject the Null Hypothesis


In [27]:
print("P Value for All Days, January 1 - March 31: {}\nP Value for Weekdays Only, January 1 - March 31: {}\n"
      "P Value for Weekdays Only, March 1 - March 31: {}".format('%.10f' % jfm_pval, '%.10f' % weekday_pval, '%.10f' % mar_weekday_pval))
P Value for All Days, January 1 - March 31: 0.0000015521
P Value for Weekdays Only, January 1 - March 31: 0.0000148979
P Value for Weekdays Only, March 1 - March 31: 0.0000000746

All tests yielded statistically significant results at the .01 alpha levels, allowing us to reject the null hypothesis that there has been no change in mean daily traffic volumes in Seattle, Washington during the coronavirus pandemic compared to the same period in prior years. It can be difficult to compare p values when they are so small, so below we rescale them and plot them.

In [28]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.scatter(['All Months\nAll Days', 'All Months\nWeekdays', 'March\nWeekdays'],
            [jfm_pval*10000000, weekday_pval*10000000, mar_weekday_pval*10000000])
plt.title('Rescaled P-Values')
plt.ylabel('P-Values multiplied by 10M')
Text(0, 0.5, 'P-Values multiplied by 10M')

The chart above shows rescaled p values so we can get a sense of the strongest test (lowest p value), which appear to be weekdays in March. This makes sense, as many companies started encouraging employees to work from home in March, and Governor Inslee's Stay Home Order was issued on March 23, 2020.




  • Site D10 did not have any data for February 2019
  • Site R49R did not have any data for January 2020
  • Site R017 did not have any data for westbound traffic in March 2018
  • Site S202 did not have any data for northbound traffic in 2018 or southbound traffic in 2019

All of these sites are excluded from the analysis


The remaining sites (R046, R117, and S502) all had missing data values for certain days or direction (north/south, east/west) on a certain day. These missing values were imputed by calculating the mean traffic volumes for that day of the week on the year/month combination. For example, if there was no data for Sunday March 11, 2018, the mean traffic volume for Sundays in March of 2018 was calculated and assumed to be the traffic volume for that day. The time of day was ignored, and each hour was given the same traffic volume such that each hour summed together for Sunday March 11, 2018 would equal the average traffic volume for Sundays in March 2018. To ensure that values were whole numbers and estimates were conservate, the FLOOR function was used" FLOOR((Avg Num Vehicles/24),1)

For the sites that were included in the analysis, the following days and directions had missing values:

  • Site R046:
    • March 11, 2018
    • March 25, 2018 (southbound only)
    • February 23, 2019 (northbound only)
    • March 10, 2019
    • January 17, 2020 (southbound only
    • March 8, 2020

  • Site R117:
    • February 18, 2018 (westbound only)
    • March 11, 2018
    • March 10, 2019
    • February 4, 2020 (westbound only)
    • February 5, 2020 (westbound only)
    • February 11, 2020
    • February 12, 2020
    • March 8, 2020

  • Site S502:
    • March 11, 2018
    • March 10, 2019
    • January 28, 2020 (eastbound only)
    • March 8, 2020

John Wachter | June 6, 2020

Posts & Publications

Data blog about U.S. Foreign Assistance to Central America

Report on Temporary Protected Status


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